Active Electrical Services Ltd has sponsored roundabouts in Buckinghamshire with Marketing Force since 2012.

We first sponsored roundabouts in 2012 and have been very happy to continue this strong relationship with Marketing Force for well over a decade. We are committed to growing our brand across this platform and are looking to grow further as opportunities are recommended.
The signs always look really strong and they offer a really feel good factor for our company brand. Marketing Force are consummate professionals, they know what they are doing and how to deliver results for their clients. The roundabouts are kept very neat and tidy and our signage is always clearly visible. We’re delighted with our presence in this area and would highly recommend Marketing Force as the County’s roundabout sponsorship provider. In a perfect world, I would prefer to deal with Marketing Force with this form of advertising across every Borough, as they are are by far the best in the business.
KEITH ROWE – Director of Active Electrical Services Ltd